Weekly maintenance for applications and configurations
Riihicloud application packages
Riihicloud provides application management solution for delivering efficiently standardized customer environments.
Riihicloud has in stock hundreds of ready-to-use free generic use smart application packages for both Windows and macOS operating systems. Riihicloud smart application packages helps customers to plan, provision and maintain the whole application infrastructure as managed service from Riihicloud SaaS business platform.
As a part of the Riihicloud endpoint management services, new versions of application and configuration packages are updated, tested and delivered weekly to end-customers. Over the years, Riihicloud has implemented hundreds of free generic use application packages for both Windows and macOS. All packages are automatically included to our weekly maintenance routines and kept up-to-date.
Riihicloud supports both Windows AutoPilot and pre-provisioning smart packages to the devices. Riihicloud comes with efficient mass provisioning tools for patch management updating applications in customer environments during Riihicloud weekly maintenance routines.
Riihicloud configuration packages
Riihicloud provides configuration management solution for configuring efficiently standardized customer environments. Riihicloud smart configuration packages helps customers to plan, provision and maintain the standardized customer environments as managed service from Riihicloud SaaS business platform.
Configuring, supporting, fixing and enhancing customer environments with Riihicloud smart configuration packages is easy with on-demand service automation packages from Company Portal or with automatic installation. Leveraging Riihicloud free generic use smart configuration packages helps maintaining high level security standards and end-user satisfaction.
In addition, Riihicloud team implements and develops customer specific packages to meet all your needs. Smart application and configuration packages can be combined by different customer segments or line of business into your tenant templates to make onboarding customers and managing their devices even more easy. Our tailored smart packages are offered as fixed price.
Riihicloud smart packages engine
Riihicloud smart package engine provides efficient application and configuration management provisioning solution. Riihicloud smart package engine ensures reliable smart package installation both to Windows and macOS devices.
Smart packages can be utilized through automatic installation or Company Portal. Automatic installation will ensure customer environment standardization and security baseline, when Company Portal will provide user inteface for on-demand application and configuration package installation.
Riihicloud smart packages engine is built by XML driven engine for Intune on Azure MDM channel enabling highly automated way to provision updated application and configuration packages to endpoint devices.
Riihicloud smart packages development
Riihicloud has in stock hundreds of ready-to-use free generic use packages. In addition, we develop on-demand fixed price standard and customer specific smart packages. Planning your IT budget or customer deliveries is easy based on Riihicloud standard pricelist for customer specific application packages.
Riihicloud team is ready to assist you and fulfill needs and requests you normally would not have time nor resources to develop in your busy IT environment. Submit your ideas and wishes to the the team via support and we will undertake it either free general use or fixed price customer spesific change request.
Riihicloud can assist your product development by producing and combining smart application and configuration packages for different customer segments or line of business into your tenant templates. Riihicloud smart packages also promote sustainability by re-using existing legacy application & configuration packages.
Riihicloud smart package factory
As a part of the Riihicloud endpoint management services, new versions of application and configuration packages are updated, tested and delivered weekly to end-customers. Over the years, Riihicloud has implemented hundreds of free generic use application and configuration packages for both Windows and macOS. All packages are automatically included to our weekly maintenance routines and kept up-to-date.
Riihicloud smart package factory takes care, that all implemented packages are going through weekly check, update and testing routines. These routines keeps the customer environments always secure, functional and up-to-date.
The smart packages factory starts on Wednesday by checking for new version updates and building new and updated smart packages. Changed applications are re-packaged and deployed to multitible level test environments during the week for thorough testing. Monday morning starts with announcement to partners and customers of updated smart packages ready for deployment to customer environments. Finally, the deployment of new smart package versions to customer tenants will happen on Monday evening.
Maintaining and updating constantly changing applications is the tidious routine work that is often less prioritized in busy IT environments where your specialist might be more occupied with immediate problems and more value adding development challenges and change requests. Let Riihicloud smart package factory take care of the tidious routine work, enabling your IT team to concentrate more burning issues. Riihicloud will ensure that your customer environments are always secure, functional and up-to-date.
Riihicloud device provisioning
Riihicloud provides device provision solution based on industry standards like Windows AutoPilot and pre-provisioning on supplier delivery center. A life-cycle of a hassle free device is always starting with proper provisioning with standardized installation routines, including selected applications and configurations which will ensure immediate productivity upon end-user receiving a device.
Quite many organizations still think manual device provisioning and testing will ensure the best possible delivery. In many case, this is not true. IT is spending hours per device with manual installation work processes that are prone for humaine errors and deviations form the agreed standard environments. Delivering a device to a end-user is delayed by unnessessary shipment of a device first from supplier to IT support and after that finally to end user, when you could instead just ship the device direcly from supplier to end user.
Every device waiting installation in your supply will create business waste and tie your capital. Why not smoothen your supply chain, free your IT specialist to more productive task and add customer satisfaction with standardized deviced delivered directly to end user? We can clearly see huge drop of support tickets on standartized devices from day one proviosioned with Riihicloud compared to manual provisioning.
Seize the opportunity to test the Riihicloud smart packages services
Microsoft ecosystem
Access to the latest Microsoft technologies without legacy solutions. Azure, Intune and Power Platform will ensure support and security for years to come.
Once endpoint management is implemented with Riihicloud, users can focus on working without any time-consuming issues. All available as a turnkey service.
Continuous product development
Riihicloud’s team focuses on continuous product development to offer only the best. We have been investing in product development for years. The continuous update service keeps customer environments secure and efficient throughout the life cycle of endpoints.
Per-user pricing
Our pricing per user is clear, proven and fair. No device-specific fees or additional charges